I like that title! Confab is short for confabulation, which is "casual talk." That's not only what we had with Sandi and Bob Hayden Friday night, but it's also an alliterative title to my posting! It's so nice having a cousin in Colorado. Sandi and Bob came up Friday to go to a meeting (Bob) and to the temple in the morning. So, we were lucky they were able to come over for dinner and stay overnight. They had planned to stay in a hotel, but when I showed her the guest suite at Chez Bush I was able to convince her that it was no inconvenience for them to stay here. Kent called it Norma and Ed's room. Since Norma and Ed aren't here much, it was nice to have someone else use it.

Barbara and Kent were able to come over on short notice to visit with us. Kent had never met the Haydens and Barbara hadn't seen Sandi for 30 years. They'd been living in Hawaii, and we never made it over to see them. We were interested in what life is like in Southern Colorado compared to Denver. We also heard how Sandi and her siblings banded together to help their aging father out of a bad situation. It's a story that could be better told in a novel than a blog posting.
Barbara, myself and Sandi cuddled up with blankets on the couch. Ed, Bob and Kent, all in blue shirts are in chairs. Crystal, who really looked like a good daughter by doing all the dishes and cleanup, later relaxed on the love seat.