My nephew, Eli got married today. When I saw the light shining down on him and his new bride, Lacy, I thought it must be a good omen for a long and happy life together!
I remember my sister Barbara and her husband, Kent as newly-weds thirty years ago and it was like it was yesterday. Where did the time go? Their daughter, Abby and my mother are in this picture with them. Only Isaac is missing, as he is serving as a missionary in Hong Kong.
Even the venue they picked (the Memorial House) was sentimental, as my brother, Jon had his reception there 10 years ago. We enjoyed hearing their vows, which were so thoughtful and loving.
We enjoyed visiting with family over dinner. Even Nikki took a break from her picture taking to join us briefly. She's off for 6 weeks in Europe in a few weeks to take pictures. It's a rough life, but someone has to do it!
I always enjoy my cousin's wife, Arlene, here with my sister, Annette. Arlene is aunt to the groom as well as cousin-in-law to my sister. I had to include here as she is a faithful reader of my blog!
My sister, Barbara, now has a married son, but look, we have two new projects to work on! We each had an eligible daughter at the wedding, neither one of which fought for the bridal bouquet at the end of the day!
However, there was a happy ending, as the bride and groom were picked up by a horse and carriage and whisked off to their hotel at the end of the day! We hope they live happily ever after!