Verlene was up at the crack of dawn working in her cabbage patch this morning. She is transplanting 8 cabbages from pots to the ground. The race is on to see if she gets to eat one before the first frost!
She also has a nice herb garden, which she can move inside when the weather gets bad. I don't know when she turned into a gardener!
I used the time to see if I could fix her TV, which had been out all week. I couldn't, but Ed could. Over the phone he gave me some solid advice (re-scan the channels), which worked perfectly! I felt like a TV heroine!
Verlene was so happy she took Crystal and me out to breakfast to thank me. I was happy to get one last Village Inn pancake before returning to Maryland!
Back home again, Crystal took some time to give Brandy a good scratch. She couldn't have found a more appreciative recipient.
We had planned to do some sun painting this morning, but the weather didn't cooperate with us --it rained! We had to settle for make Christmas balls with wrapping paper scraps. That was a fun and easy project.
We finished early enough that we had time for shopping. As you can see, we were all successful. If I were smart enough to bring home nothing but memories, I'd have a much easier time packing my suitcase tomorrow!