We ate lunch at the world renowned G&M Restaurant, where we filled up on crab cakes. Mom and Ed are leaving tomorrow, and we were happy they were finally able to taste Baltimore's most famous food.
We've seen Ft. McHenry from the Inner Harbor and the harbor cruise, so we thought we should drop by and see it in person yesterday. We had a stiff breeze while we were over there, so we were easily able to get a picture of the Star Spangled Banner that inspired our national anthem.
After our visit to the Lexington market we walked to Edgar Alan Poe's grave a few blocks away. The cemetery at Westminster church also had graves of many other famous Baltimoreans, including Mr. McHenry (after whom the fort was named). It was such a great, gray day that Amanda practically fades into the stones in this picture.
We also stopped by the locked cemetery of St. Paul's church. I'm going to do some investigating sometime to see if there are any Jones bones there. Our ancestors attended that congregation for about 100 years before moving on to Pennsylvania.
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