Friday, January 20, 2012

Can your Can Opener do This?

We have been in can opener hell for the past few months. My electric one died, and the manual one barely worked at all. Ed found this at Kmart yesterday. I scoffed at him and said it would never work. It works on two AA batteries. But the package said "As Seen on TV" so we figured it must work!

It did just great on its trial run today. It opened a can of spinach with no problem. You just put it on top of the can and push the black button. I wonder how long it will last? But, in the meantime, it is nice, because it is not only automatic, but can be stored in a drawer rather than on the counter top. We're feeling optimistic. After all, they never advertise junk on TV!


  1. I don't believe I have ever seen a can opener like that, we are still using a manual one. Let me know how long it lasts.
