Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Farewell Dinner and Trip Home

Brittany, John and I had dinner at Hot Pot Monday. We spent a few hours going over our planned trip to China this summer, and Hot Pot seemed like the perfect prelude to 13 days in China. It was delicious and so filling that I couldn't eat dinner later.

I went back to Grandma's house, where we watched the 1999 version of Mansfield Park. We wanted to see Hugh Bonneville in it, as we were in a real Downton Abbey mood. We had watched the tragic season end of Downton Abby together Sunday night. As sad as it was, I still look forward to season four again next year.

I want to thank my Mom for getting up at 3:30 a.m. to take me to the airport yesterday! I hope she had time for a nap afterwards! I had to fly to Houston and Chicago before getting home to Baltimore. In each stopover city I had to hurry to catch the next flight. All went well, and on the second leg I was able to watch most of the movie, Lincoln, which was very entertaining. Luckily, Ed was able to fill me in on the ending after I got home.

Amanda had a hot dinner waiting for us when we got home from the airport last night! It's good to be home again!

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