Saturday, October 12, 2013

Visitors on a Rainy Day

We got quite a bit of rain the last few days. It was amazing watching it come down. I couldn't believe that it was paltry in comparison to Colorado's latest flood. It looks like only 3 inches, while they had 18 inches in Aurora last month! I can't imagine what that would have been like.

Coda had to be strongly coerced to go outside and do her business! She does not like the rain. Ed and I enjoyed watching it come down from the safety of our newly covered deck.

Our shed, however, did not pass the watertight test. Our contractor dropped by to inspect it and decide how to remediate it. Hopefullly, they'll be able to take care of that next week, and by the next rainstorm we won't have any more problems.

We had Vera and Vern from Broomfield stop by and visit us last night. They have relatives in the area, but it took several years before they were able to work us into their schedule. The beef stew I whipped together in my pretty yellow cooking pot was the perfect accompaniment for a cold, rainy evening with friends.

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