Friday, May 9, 2014

Deutsch Macht Spaß!

We're winding down our semester of German 201 at Carroll Community College. It's been a fun time, and we've learned a lot. I wanted to take a picture the first day of class, but didn't know if the other students would like it. After four months together we've become friends, and everyone was comfortable posing together.

I've enjoyed Maureen, our teacher, (first on the left). She's had a lot of experience teaching as well as travelling to Germany. Tony and I are the two that got the discounted senior tuition. Then, we had two students from McDaniels college who are graduating this semester, but couldn't fit a language at McDaniels into their schedules. We've learned a lot what each of us does on the weekend, as every Monday morning the teacher asks us, "Was haben sie am Wochenende gemacht?" With only four students in the class, everyone gets a chance to answer the question!

1 comment:

  1. It was fun, Judy. Keep up your good work with German! Maureen Helinski
