He got to do a Google Hangout with grandpa in Utah. Grandpa loved that!

It was hard having to wait a week before you got to hold your baby, but it made it all the sweeter when the opportunity arose. Now that Hugo is doing so well, Amanda and Nolan can hold him when they want. However, they need the nurse to help them so they don't get the wires tangled!
When the nurse tucked him back to bed he reached out to give grandma a high 5!
Amanda has to keep pumping to provide milk for the baby, so while she is busy with that, I took a look at the guitarron she picked up for us this spring. We want to take it back to Utah, but need to drive out one of these days. It is a very interesting instrument, and we can't wait to add it to our collection!
We had just enough time to do a little yard work in the late afternoon. The ash tree had branches resting on the house, so I took a set of loppers up on the roof and gave it a trim!
After cutting the branches we applied some tar to protect the tree from disease.

We finished the day with dinner at the home of Amanda's boss, Kathy. They had some business associates from Japan visiting, and had the entire flute department there, as well as the owners of West Music, who all congratulated Amanda and asked her how she was doing!
They gave her a nice plate of leftovers for tomorrow, which made her (and me) very happy as well!
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