picture taking quicker than normal!
They served hot soup and rolls for dinner. Abby's brother, Eli, was a big help with the food as well as with the program later. He did a lot to get the party rolling!
The great selection of cookies didn't hurt, either!
Crystal came out from Denver for the wedding, and we were glad she did! Brittany and John were lucky to leave the kids with John's parents, so they could enjoy the reception uninterrupted!
My sister, Verlene (far right), also drove out with Crystal, so we had all five sisters at the wedding, and my mom, too! It was like a family reunion!
The evening ended up with a contra dance, which was terrific. I couldn't get any pictures that weren't blurry, as the action was moving so fast!
Thanks to Abby for picking such a fun activity at her wedding, and thanks to Andy for being such a good sport and going along with it! Abby had a special dancing dress just for the dancing, so she wouldn't trip on her wedding train!
After we were completely tuckered out from dancing we got to slow down with a fun 'hat dance' where the person with the hat gets to choose their sashay partner and the leftover person gets to wear the hat! I got to wear the hat, and Crystal got to sashay!
A special thanks to Bishop Shippen who took time out of his Saturday morning to meet me at the church and give me a temple recommend. I realized just as we were leaving for the temple that mine had expired in December! Not only did Bishop Shippen meet me at the church, but he talked President Heiner into meeting us at the church to finish the recommend! If they hadn't done that for me I would have missed out on a special portion of a very wonderful day! Thanks for making it happen!
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