I did so well yesterday that they let me go up to the Bistro with Ed for lunch. I got a Mushroom Swiss Burger and ate it all! My appetite is better, my dry mouth improving, and I had the energy to lift the burger over and over to my lips! I'm so happy to have a feel good day. Maybe it was the two bowel movements that made me happy, but Ed says my readers don't want to know about this!"
You might ask yourself, "How did she eat with that mask on?" She didn't. The nurse said to take a bite and chew with the mask on. I tried it and gave up after the second fry. On Saturday the Bistro is pretty empty. I just took it off and enjoyed my meal!
I had mentioned to Laurie that I wanted a freeze or icee, as frozen ice is about the only thing I love that makes me drink more liquid. So, she brought me a peach Frazil yesterday from the Sinclair store. That really hit the spot and saved me from getting a lecture from the nurses about drinking more.
WBC nudged down slightly to 86 this morning.
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