My mother and I hadn't Skyped for several months, so it was nice to see her face again on Saturday. I'm grateful so many friends have been dropping by to see her. When I called yesterday she had two friends drop by to visit. Afterwards she told me a very interesting true story about true love. The moral of the story is "Don't try to stand in the way of true love." If you want to hear the rest of it, you'll have to call her.
Crystal is working the night shift this week, but still managed to work in her Skype guitar lesson with me. She's so quick. She had Blue Skies mastered, so we went on to Shoo Fly Pie and Apple Pan Dowdy. It was so fun. Pretty soon she'll know all my songs and I'll have nothing left to teach her!
Mom and Crystal both look great. Your webcam must have a lot of pixels.