Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Ferry Good Time

We started the day yesterday with another healthy breakfast of oatmeal with nuts, yogurt and prunes. We might never go back to a bowl of cereal in the morning!

After packing the car, Ed and David went down to the pier to take the flag down. It was easier than expected, as the flagpole itself telescopes down!

We went back to Raleigh a different way, taking the ferry across the river. It is amazing that ferries are considered a part of the road system, and are free of charge in North Carolina. With the belt tightening every state is experiencing, that is about to change. We're glad we got across before the new fares took place!

Sandy flew home from school just in time to meet us for lunch at the Pit in Raleigh. It was fun talking to him and hear about college and his girlfriend Sophie (not necessarily in that order)!

To counter the effects of a weekend of good living, I ordered the sweet potato fries, not knowing they were liberally sprinkled in brown sugar! That was a tasty surprise!

We had so much fun this weekend that we're already thinking of ways we can make it back to Brady Bay sooner rather than later!

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