Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Visiting Teaching Brunch
I got back from Baltimore Sunday night, just in time to host our annual visiting teaching brunch Monday morning at my house. We're been doing it for about 6 years. Linda Bealer and I invite the people we visit teach, as does Jannet Downs. We extend that to another few people to make a nice group of about 10, which fits perfectly at my table. We missed Coreen Engstrom, who is in Germany this year with her family. It was nice to have a few new people with us, as well. It was very nostalgic for me. I'll miss the good friends and wonderful people of the Broomfield Third Ward. I'm grateful that I'll still have visiting teaching in Baltimore, and that it will provide me with the opportunity to make new friends.
Home again, Still Homeless
We had some excitiment being a part of the largest snowfall ever in Baltimore in the month of December. It broke the previous record set 80 years ago by 7 inches, for a grand total of 21 inches. The airport re-opened on Sunday, and we felt fortunate to have flights out at 5 p.m. We had a connection in Charlotte, NC, and arrived in Denver at 11:30 p.m.
We played a little backgammon Saturday night. We had to play till I finally won a game. Then I let Ed quit.

Before church we stopped by one more time at the house on Colonial Beach Road. It wasn't easy getting in. The owners were out of town, so the house was empty, but the driveway unplowed. We put in an offer on the house, but it looks like it's going to be expensive. We're waiting for a few days to see what our buy-out appraisals will be on our current house. After we get that information we might counter offer. It is still our prefered house, partly because of the great kitchen.
It also has a great lot, with some separation from the neighbors. This will be a memorable house hunting trip, especially if we end up buying this house. If not, we might be going back to square one!
Here we are standing in front of our (maybe) new home. We'll try to take a break now and concentrate on Christmas for a change.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Buying in a Blizzard

We called our new (hopefully) branch president. He went to the same high school Ed did (Rahway). He's just a few years younger than Ed. They had to cancel their branch Christmas party tonight. They're going to delay church and meet with the other ward at 1 p.m. on Sunday. We plan on going to church tomorrow. Our new flight home is for 5 p.m. Sunday (to Charlotte, NC, then to Denver). This is a memorable house hunting trip!
Friday, December 18, 2009
House Hunting 2

It's interesting that we have only this small window in which to choose a home. It's somewhat limiting. We'll have to pick from what happens to be for sale at this time. I'm sure we'll be happy with whatever we choose, but it feels somewhat confining to have so little time to make a decision. It reminds me of our house hunting trip from California to Colorado. We had two days to find a home. In the end we were very happy with our new 2500 square feet mansion, having just moved from an 800 square foot home in California. It seems that buying new homes is like taking drugs. Each time you buy a new one, it takes a little bit more to give you that same high. This home is 5500 square feet. You'd think that would be enough!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Mr. Vice President
Ed had his picture and promotion come out in a press release yesterday. He looks very handsome, don't you think? Now if you google him you get lots of hits on the real Ed Bush (the one I know and love). Here's a connection with the press release. It was picked up by lots of news services, including our favorite, CNN!
Photo Release -- Northrop Grumman Appoints Edward Bush to Lead C4ISR Networked Systems Business for the Electronic Systems Sector (NYSE:NOC)
Photo Release -- Northrop Grumman Appoints Edward Bush to Lead C4ISR Networked Systems Business for the Electronic Systems Sector (NYSE:NOC)
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Promotion Dinner

We didn't leave till almost 10:30. Ed and his good friends from work just wanted to sit around and reminisce about the good times they've had together. They each told a story about working with Ed. Most of them were humorous, and there was even a little adventure (Ed and Dave sneaking around the large plants in an atrium to avoid being accosted by the boss in California). Most of the stories I had never heard, so it was fun. There was a real sense of comraderie. It's been a great 7 years for Ed. They gave him a really nice leather briefcase as a going away gift--a briefcase fitting for a Vice President.
House Hunting
Our house hunting trip last week was less fruitful than we had hoped. Here is a picture of a house we liked for many reasons. The outside is beautiful, as is the lot. The inside has some good and some bad things. Some remodeling would be in its future if we bought it. There were many houses we liked, but each one had a tragic flaw. One had a basement with low ceilings. Another had a small master bedroom with tiny closets. This house is on a nice lot with grass in the front and woods behind it. A golf course is behind the woods. It sports a different color of carpet in every room, a bath tub that juts out in the middle of the master bath in a wierd fashion. The kitchen has silestone counters and an electric stovetop. We'd prefer granite and gas. It also has black instead of stainless appliances. It has a small study and a doorway to death out the kithchen.That is, there is a door to the back deck, but the deck hasn't been built yet. Since it is a walk-out, it's a long drop to the ground.
On the upside, each bedroom had its own bathroom, the family room has pretty windows and a raised hearth fireplace. There is an atrium room, a large pantry and laundry room, and a brick patio outside the walkout basement. The basement had a rec room, but no bathroom or bedroom for grandma and grandpa. I guess they could stay in Crystal's room in the meantime!
Here I am with the realtor. It looks like I'm thinking, "Could I live here?"
Ed is going to look at another house this week. Maybe it will be perfect!
On the upside, each bedroom had its own bathroom, the family room has pretty windows and a raised hearth fireplace. There is an atrium room, a large pantry and laundry room, and a brick patio outside the walkout basement. The basement had a rec room, but no bathroom or bedroom for grandma and grandpa. I guess they could stay in Crystal's room in the meantime!
Here I am with the realtor. It looks like I'm thinking, "Could I live here?"
Ed is going to look at another house this week. Maybe it will be perfect!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
From Snow to Rain
Relief Society Progressive Dinner

Last night I was one of the hosts for the Relief Society Progressive dinner. Jana Roylance spent most of her day in the kitchen, but it was worth it! We had cordon bleu, and it was delicious. I didn't know my house could host 75 people for a dinner, but we made it. It was so fun and festive.

Monday, November 30, 2009
So Much to be Thankful For

After dinner we went over to the church where the Twisted Sisters played a short family gig consisting of Angelina Baker, The Old Home Fill 'Er Up and Keep on Truckin' Cafe, and Over the River and Through the Woods. Matt and Brent Reichman dressed as fat old men and did the speak-singing on the Cafe song. Matt said it was every bit as much fun as he had imagined it would be!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

We have so much to be grateful for as we celebrate our anniversary. We've enjoyed the journey together. We're grateful for our three wonderful daughters, for our friends and family, for the Gospel in our lives, and for the support we get from one another in all our endeavors. We've spent a lot of time lately thinking about all the wonderful things that have happened to us in Colorado. Next year our journey will take a new path as we move to Baltimore. We'll be looking forward together to this new leg of our journey!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Who Loves Crystal?
We're home from Utah, and have given up our youngest daughter to the Mission Training Center. We hope they're nice to her! It was pretty tough, but not as hard as sending Brittany to Afica alone from Denver International Airport. At least we were able to pass Crystal off to people who would take care of her. Although Brittany arrived safely in Africa, it was a long time before we were able to get that confirmation.

Annette and Nikki fed us some turkey soup on Monday (after our long drive through the mountains). I've got to get myself a pasta maker. The home-made noodles were to die for!
We bought a few sweaters for Crystal Tuesday after we realized that the next two months she would not be having the hot, humid climate of El Salvador. Ed suggested the MTC should have simulated climates for the countries the missionaries will be living in.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Amanda is Xerxes
Friday night was Amanda's first starring role in an opera (or any stage production, for that manner). She was Xerxes, the King of Persia, singing the lead role in the opera by Handel. It was really a great evening. She did a terrific job. It was great because the opera had lots of humor in it, so it made the 3 hours just fly by. Even Ed was able to stay awake throughout the entire production despite having taken an early flight home from Baltimore that same morning.
Grandma and Ed (Melzer) were there from Utah. Nora drove up from Centennial, and Justin and his parents came up from Broomfield. Amanda didn't realize that she had the lead role till they staged their bows. When she realized she was the last person to come out for bows it suddenly dawned on her that she finally was the lead singer. It has been a long journey for her, which made it extra special.
The opera was sung in Italian with English and Spanish subtitles. Greeley has a significant migrant population, some of whom might enjoy opera...who knows?
They staged the opera in Iran (Persia in 1979), so Amanda's Xerxes was really the Shah of Iran. It actually added a lot to the fun of the show. They even had a machine gun on stage, which added to the drama. In the fuzzy picture Amanda is the one on the left. I liked her white suit!
Grandma and Ed (Melzer) were there from Utah. Nora drove up from Centennial, and Justin and his parents came up from Broomfield. Amanda didn't realize that she had the lead role till they staged their bows. When she realized she was the last person to come out for bows it suddenly dawned on her that she finally was the lead singer. It has been a long journey for her, which made it extra special.
The opera was sung in Italian with English and Spanish subtitles. Greeley has a significant migrant population, some of whom might enjoy opera...who knows?
They staged the opera in Iran (Persia in 1979), so Amanda's Xerxes was really the Shah of Iran. It actually added a lot to the fun of the show. They even had a machine gun on stage, which added to the drama. In the fuzzy picture Amanda is the one on the left. I liked her white suit!
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Monday Night Football
On Monday we went to Invesco Field at Mile Hi to watch the Broncos embarrass themselves on national TV. It was the first time Crystal and Brittany had ever been to a professional football game. There were some highs and lows. The highs were mostly in the first half of the game when the Broncos led briefly. Other highs were the great hamburgers we enjoyed, and the mild weather (it didn't snow on us).
Brittany and Crystal had fun with the "free" pompoms, and we were happy that Dad's friend, Jack, was a Steelers fan. At least someone was happy about the outcome of the game.

Here is a picture of Brittany with her sad face at the end of the game.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Crystal's Special Day

After choir we had an open house for Crystal where we served pupusas, a great Salvadoran tortilla-like treat. If you want to see pictures of the pupusa's or ward members who came to the open house, visit Crystal's new blog (where I'll be posting her missionary emails) at elamordelsalvador.blogspot.com. It was a good day.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Beautiful Day in Baltimore
Crystal and I visited the National Acquarium in Baltimore. It was fun going back to the Inner Harbor and walking around before the Acquarium opened. There were lots of joggers enjoying the weather. It was strange thinking we'd be living by the ocean again. Ed has lived slightly less than half his life on a coast (west or east). This move will tip the scales for him. Soon it will be more than half on the coast.
We didn't get a house we couldn't live without, but we've been surfing the internet since we've been home. It's nice for me to be able to imagine the cities now that we've been there. Crystal has found a few houses we might be interested in. Our realtor will go preview them for us.
The Acquarium was really nice. We liked the manta rays. They must have a hundred of them. I also loved the jelly fish. They have a whole exhibit of just jelleyfish. We didn't have time for the dolphin show. We'll have to save that for our next trip.
We're looking forward to a fun time with family this weekend. The guest suite is ready and waiting!
We didn't get a house we couldn't live without, but we've been surfing the internet since we've been home. It's nice for me to be able to imagine the cities now that we've been there. Crystal has found a few houses we might be interested in. Our realtor will go preview them for us.
The Acquarium was really nice. We liked the manta rays. They must have a hundred of them. I also loved the jelly fish. They have a whole exhibit of just jelleyfish. We didn't have time for the dolphin show. We'll have to save that for our next trip.
We're looking forward to a fun time with family this weekend. The guest suite is ready and waiting!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Temple Day
The temple is Washington DC is so beautiful, but, boy is it hard to get to! What should have been a 35 minute ride from our hotel turned into a 1 hour and 45 minute ordeal this morning. We left at 6:30, and made it in time for the 9 a.m. session. They have serious traffic problems here. It makes Denver look like a walk in the park! Once we got inside, however it was beautiful and peaceful. There were two sisters in the Washington DC South mission. That's the mission Crystal's roommate, Heather, is going to. She finishes the MTC in 2 weeks, so it was fun meeting one of her possible future companions.
We got back to the hotel about noon, and then we went out with our realtor, Ron. We saw a lot of houses. Some have possibilities (if we gutted the kitchen or re-designed the master bedroom). It's nice we didn't fall in love with something. That way I won't feel like I'm at risk of loosing it if we don't make an offer today. We'll try to make another house hunting trip in the beginning of December. Now we'll go home and get ready to sell our house! The dry-wallers are there now fixing our unsightly ceiling crack.
Ed took us out to a fish dinner in the Inner Harbor tonight. We were also able to scout out our route tomorrow morning to the National Acquarium!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Crystal and I went to Gettysburg today. It was my first experience driving in Baltimore, but Brenda (our GPS unit) got us there with no problem. We have a big white Mercury car, which we call "The Boat." It's unattractive on the outside, but very comfortable inside, very much like riding around in an easy chair. I found Gettysburg to be a very emotional experience. We watched a movie and saw a giant diorama. I can't listen to the Gettysburg address without crying. It's like a very beloved passage of scripture. I'm so grateful for the sacrifices of those who fought to preserve the Union. We did the short driving tour of the battlefield, as we needed to hurry back to meet our realtor. It reminded me of Custer's last stand with trees and greenery.
Ed had fun at work today, mostly because he got a new badge that says "Vice President" on it, and because he got his own little refrigerator in his very large office. He gets pleasure out of small things!
Tomorrow we'll go to the temple in the morning, and out with Ron (our realtor) in the afternoon. Going out with Crystal is great. She is just as good at remembering house details as her dad. She's been trained at the feet of the master!
We saw lots of really great trees. Some of them were red and yellow. This was one of our favorite trees. We found it in the cemetery at Gettysburg. We hope to have a dozen such trees in our back yard when we move to Baltimore.
In the afternoon Crystal and I went out with the realtor. At first I felt sorry for Ed that he was missing out on all the fun, but after we saw some pretty depressing houses I felt like Ed was lucky that we were sparing him the pain. Later we saw a few houses that were little nicer. None of them were as nice as our house in Broomfield (inside), but they alll had better yards. The acre-sized lots were just beautiful.
Tomorrow we'll go to the temple in the morning, and out with Ron (our realtor) in the afternoon. Going out with Crystal is great. She is just as good at remembering house details as her dad. She's been trained at the feet of the master!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Cousins in Maryland

Crystal, Ed and I are in Baltimore today, and Eli Stevens showed up and spent the afternoon with us. It was fun seeing him. He's turned to a real East Coast kind of guy now. He's truly gone to the dark side. He looked healthy and happy, and as always, was very entertaining to talk to. He was nice to just spend time in the car with us, while we drove around and looked at different neighborhoods and houses for sale. We didn't go inside any houses, but we loved the wooded neighborhoods with all the leaves on the streets. It is very beautiful. We grilled Eli about his girlfirend. That wasa also fun.
After it got dark we went out to dinner for some crab cakes, which were a real treat. I want to go to bed now, but Ed and Crystal pointed out that it's only 8 p.m. We might go for a little ride. So little time and so much to see and do! We
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween
Crystal was The Denominator for Halloween. I helped her make the costume so she could wear it at Barbara's math party at her school. Unfortunately, no costumes were allowed, so we'll save the costume for another day. It was a fun joint project for us, anyway. Now that we're finished sewing we can get back to purging the house in preparation for our big move.
For our Halloween dinner tonight we had tombstone potato bar, just like we learned to make at Relief Society Work and Chat this month! I just want to say, "Where have all the Trick-or-Treaters gone? It's 7 p.m. and we've only had about 30. We're going to have lots of leftover candy this year. Oh well!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Snow Day

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Concert with Men's Choir
Last night we drove to Greeley in a rainstorm to see Amanda's choir concert. It was especially good because she had a solo with the men's choir. They did a song by Schubert called Ständchen (Serenede). It was very beautiful and Amanda did a great job. We were very proud of her.
After the concert we had the pleasure of driving home in a blinding snowstorm. It was frightening, but, happily, we are safely ensconsed at home this morning.
After the concert we had the pleasure of driving home in a blinding snowstorm. It was frightening, but, happily, we are safely ensconsed at home this morning.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Moving Move
The big news in the Bush household is that we're moving to Baltimore, Maryland! Ed starts his new (bigger and better) job this week, and we'll move in January, if everything goes as planned. Ed will now be a Vice President with his company. We're excited about the challenge and the opportunities this provides him. It will be fun to live in the east for a while. There is certainly plenty to see and do there. It should keep us busy for the next 13 years till Ed will be ready to retire.
The sad news is we're leaving Colorado, where we have lived for 24 years. We've loved it here. We've loved the people, the weather, the church, the schools, the opportunities for us and our children. We hope all our friends come visit us in Baltimore. We had a good cry at church yesterday when we told people we were leaving. I had my cry with the Bookies a few weeks ago. I imagine we'll have several more good cries as time goes by. We have loved Broomfield and the wonderful friends we've made here. It's been the very best of times!
The sad news is we're leaving Colorado, where we have lived for 24 years. We've loved it here. We've loved the people, the weather, the church, the schools, the opportunities for us and our children. We hope all our friends come visit us in Baltimore. We had a good cry at church yesterday when we told people we were leaving. I had my cry with the Bookies a few weeks ago. I imagine we'll have several more good cries as time goes by. We have loved Broomfield and the wonderful friends we've made here. It's been the very best of times!
Cousins confab
I like that title! Confab is short for confabulation, which is "casual talk." That's not only what we had with Sandi and Bob Hayden Friday night, but it's also an alliterative title to my posting! It's so nice having a cousin in Colorado. Sandi and Bob came up Friday to go to a meeting (Bob) and to the temple in the morning. So, we were lucky they were able to come over for dinner and stay overnight. They had planned to stay in a hotel, but when I showed her the guest suite at Chez Bush I was able to convince her that it was no inconvenience for them to stay here. Kent called it Norma and Ed's room. Since Norma and Ed aren't here much, it was nice to have someone else use it.

Barbara, myself and Sandi cuddled up with blankets on the couch. Ed, Bob and Kent, all in blue shirts are in chairs. Crystal, who really looked like a good daughter by doing all the dishes and cleanup, later relaxed on the love seat.
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