We've spent the last week cleaning house getting ready to put our house on the market. It looks so good now that we hate to move. The trick now will be to keep all the rooms clean at the same time. The realtor took pictures of it yesterday, and it should go online on Tuesday. Check it out! 13984 Quail Ridge Drive. If we could just transplant it to Baltimore, everything would be perfect! Crystal made two beatiful flower arrangements for the piano and dining room table. They were the finishing touches on a lovely new decorating scheme!

Mom and Ed (Melzer) have been out all week helping us get the house ready. They've been doing windows and blinds. They were pretty excited to go home today, but it's been snowing and they'll have to wait till Monday. They're sad, but I promised them I wouldn't make them work anymore if they'd just stay over the weekend. See, here they are, resting on the couch in their own private family room in the basement. It's not too bad down there now that Ed has figured out how to work the basement TV.
Boy Judy, you are a demanding hostess!! Ha! Good thing they had a rest during the storm. :-)