On Monday we went to Invesco Field at Mile Hi to watch the Broncos embarrass themselves on national TV. It was the first time Crystal and Brittany had ever been to a professional football game. There were some highs and lows. The highs were mostly in the first half of the game when the Broncos led briefly. Other highs were the great hamburgers we enjoyed, and the mild weather (it didn't snow on us).

Brittany and Crystal had fun with the "free" pompoms, and we were happy that Dad's friend, Jack, was a Steelers fan. At least someone was happy about the outcome of the game.
Here is a picture of Brittany with her sad face at the end of the game.
I was beginning to think we were missing a great football year, now maybe I'm glad we are gone. It's not fun around CO when the Bronco's are doing poorly!