Crystal goes to the Mission Training Center in a week and a half. We had such a fun day yesterday in her honor. She spoke in church in the morning. Grandma and Ed had driven all the way out from Utah to be with us. Barbara, Kent and Isaac came from Lakewood, and Verlene came from Aurora. Crystal's talk was on Service. We enjoyed hearing her observations and stories about how service had affected her life. We were very proud of her. Amanda sang a solo, "The Good Shepherd," accompanied by Brittany. It sounded so beautiful and really added to the spirit of the meeting. We enjoyed visiting over lunch after church. I enjoyed going to choir afterwards while the family (with extra thanks to Grandma) cleaned up.
After choir we had an open house for Crystal where we served pupusas, a great Salvadoran tortilla-like treat. If you want to see pictures of the pupusa's or ward members who came to the open house, visit Crystal's new blog (where I'll be posting her missionary emails) at elamordelsalvador.blogspot.com. It was a good day.
Another amazing milestone in your life as a mother! What a great time for all of you!