Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Poison Ivy Identification

Janet came over from across the street this afternoon to help me find the poison ivy in my copse. She was easily able to identify it. Sadly, we have a significant amount in our little stand of trees. Can you spot the poison ivy in this picture? I wish I had been able to identify it 3 weeks ago! I'm still scratching!


  1. Is it on the left? Wow, you had it right in your copse all along. How hard is it to get rid of?

  2. I looked it up, I think it is the one on the far right. I have tons of the far left in my back yard. Itu se to be in the front lawn, but the heavy sod I got from Barbara got rid of it.

  3. Looks like there is some Poison Ivy squarely in the middle too.

  4. You're right. It is the one right in the middle! It does look like there is a little on the right, as well. It's not a big vine yet. It's small but deadly!
