Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Fourth Admittance

This is my fourth admittance to the hospital and my second best view. I like the patio with the mountains in the distance. I'm back in the hospital after spiking 106 degree fever last night after my Campath treatment. Strangely, today is also the first day I could sit upright long enough to blog. I have suffered from complete exhaustion for the past week. I felt a little like Jabba the Hut-- a complete useless blob. As long as I was laying down I was somewhat comfortable.

Yesterday my cancer cousin stopped by during my Campath treatment. Cindy has CLL, and is doing well. She was up for some resperatory therapy. We had met at her mother's funeral last summer. She's actually my second cousin on my dad's side.

Barbara and Kent win the biggest prize in coming to see me on Sunday. They went to Alpine at 4:30, but I was still in the hospital. They discharged me at 5:30, just as Barbara and Kent were driving up. So, they turned around and drove back to Alpine! That is a loving sister!

Brittany and John came over Sunday night, the only night I was home. They decided music was the best therapy, so they propped me up on the couch and we played some of our songs together. I cried, because I felt like a real person again. It was beautiful.

Chuck and Renee stopped by on Thursday between Campath treatments on Wednesday and Friday, both of which were followed by chills, rigors and fever.  The WBC did not go down, despite all my pain!

Janet also dropped by Thursday for a few minutes during which I was feeling good.

My happiest visit was from Amanda's baby, Milo, who was born Monday, the 13th. I was so sad I couldn't be there for her, but so happy I could be with the little cutie through Google hangouts!

My WBC is fluctuating. We'll stay on Campath on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays while we await approval on another drug.  I wonder if every Campath treatment will be followed by a hospital stay...

Today's blood count still to come. My pick won't draw, so the lab is coming. Everything takes time!


  1. Hoping and praying for the best dear, Judy. You make the world a better place.

  2. Glad you are feeling a bit better to be able to sit up -even thought you had to be admitted to the hospital. One benefit of being there is that you won't get dehydrated. You are such a good example of finding the joy along the journey!
