Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Last recording and Stake Conference

It's a wrap-wrap! We finished up with all our Christmas recording Thursday night. Ed even directed the last few notes as he monitored the input.

Our last recording was of Ellis and Marti Nuttall singing  Il est né,le divin Enfant. 

Brittany's in-laws both speak French and have nice voices, and we've been trying to record them for a couple of years now, so, it was nice to finally do it! 

On Sunday we to watch Stake Conference on TV! They had a special link for shut-ins. That would be me!

I don't have the strength to sit in a chair for two hours, and Ed was lucky enough to be married to a shut-in, so we holed up together on a very snowy day to watch church together!

My WBC had gone up to 153 on Thursday. Not great, but the rate of acceleration has slowed down.

1 comment:

  1. You are my inspiration, my friend. I’m looking forward to the coming day when the only WBC count you’ll be looking at will be the number of Warbling Bird Calls you can do, the number of Wondrously Beautiful Canyons you’ve hiked and the number of Warm Bacon Cheeseburgers you ate last week. I’m placing this order with every prayer! Much love to you, Judy & Ed -Annie Link
