Here's Coda coming home from her foster family. She came from the "mountains" in West Virginia. Apparently, they have a hard time placing dogs there. She's about 9 weeks old, and has been fostered here in Maryland for about 8 days. We had planned on getting a Blue Heeler, but a different shelter called us last night, and after visiting with both dogs, we chose the little black part-spaniel who completely stole our hearts. We're going to call her Coda.

We stopped at the pet store on the way home to fit her for a smaller collar. She was about half the size of the Heelers we looked at.
Amanda is reading up on how to train a puppy. We're already failures in that regard. Coda peed in her kennel an hour after we got home. It could have been worse (on the carpet)!

But she hasn't barked, and seemed happy to be in the kennel. She's a little nervous and shy, but enjoyed sitting out on the patio with us for a little after lunch. We're also nervous about being dog owners again. Wish us good luck!
ReplyDeleteGood Luck! John trained our pug when he was a puppy, if you need help, maybe he will come to your house and let Coda out to potty every two hours all night long.