Friday, October 27, 2017

Juniper Journey

Ed and I have been looking for evergreen trees in Lambert park for the past two weeks. We're trying to learn what kind of trees we have, and we're taking pictures and cataloging every evergreen tree.In 255 acres of park we've found about 50 trees, so it's not too overwhelming!

It turns out, the majority of the trees are Rocky Mountain Junipers.

They are dioecious trees, meaning they are either male or female. This one has male cones on it.

This big one is a female Rocky Mountain juniper.

It is covered in blue berries, that are also called cones. Although we have read that the deer like the blue berries, we have found that the deer browse heavily on the male trees in the park and leave the female trees for the birds!

We have found only one lone Utah juniper smack in the middle of the park!

The Utah juniper is monoecious, meaning it has male and female cones (berries) on the same tree!

If you want to learn more about junipers in Alpine, check out our special juniper page at!

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