Sunday, December 10, 2017

Christmas in the Cove

The Alpine Cove Ward Christmas party was last night. It was a great evening, starting with magical decorations, from the lights to the table tops! The food was catered and delicious.  

We give a lot of credit to Debbie and Heinz who headed up the committee! They had an amazing support staff that really made everything come together!

Santa came before the party, and he had a special room to greet the children and have his picture taken with them!

Ed and I were in charge of the program, and we had some great talent in our ward. 

The ward choir opened the program with a lively flash mob rendition of I Heard from Heaven Today!

The Pullham family sang "Let it Be Christmas."

The Scotts did a beautiful duet of Mary's Lullaby.

Adah Shippen told a great Chistmas story!

The bishopric did a cute Charley Brown skit about the true meaning of Christmas.

Everyone's favorite was the primary singing Picture a Christmas. The congregation also sang a verse that started, "Picture a Christmas without Children."

The Juniper Jam Band (formerly known as the Alpine Slow Jam), did Bluegrass, White Snow, with Hazel Atwood singing a terrific solo on that. We had the congregation join us on Go Tell it on the Mountain, and finished up with Christmas in the Cove, a song I wrote especially for the program. Debbie and Tara really did a great job on the last song. We hoped to have the ward members humming it in their heads as they went home!

Then we all cleaned up! It was a long day, but full of great memories to savor for several weeks!


If you want to sing our new song, here is a copy of it!

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