Sunday, March 4, 2018

Weekend with the Kids

Friday night we had Pinyon rats practice, but it started out with fun with Clementine and Mabel. Clementine was feeling better this week, and enjoyed the remains of her birthday party obstacle course.

What she likes best, though is climbing up the stairs when she thinks you're not watching! She's very quick!

Mabel was disappointed that the obstacle course was gone, but talked Grandpa into running up and down the hall with her! No wonder he gets more steps than me!

In the morning Clementine had fun quacking grandpa with a brush over and over. She thought that was hilarious!

Mabel gave her dad a back massage.

Then she took Coda for a walk in the back yard, carefully avoiding the deer doodoo!

Saturday night Ed and I did some errands and stopped for dinner at a new Peruvian restaurant in American Fork. It was pretty good, but didn't serve cuy! I guess they're having a hard time finding a reliable source for guinea pig!

If you're trying to find the restaurant, look for the pretty Nazca neon sign on State Street just south of Hobby Lobby.

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