Wednesday, January 29, 2020


Do you get sick of happy faces. Here's a sad one. Dr, Stephens just called and said the Juno lab has rejected our application. It is the PBLL that was the final decision. It was our last chance. Dr. Stephens will check with MD Anderson or Mayo clinic, but no one wants to try to cure a rare and obsure disease. We are distraught!  There might be some more chemo that could help for a short time, but it is not looking good...


  1. Continuing to hold you and Ed in prayer and hope for opportunities going forward. Love to you both!!

  2. Judy I am so so sorry. Continued prayers and good thoughts coming to you from Broomfield.

  3. I am so sorry. Don't they know who you are? And how amazingly talented and vivacious you are!! We will continue to PRAY!!!

  4. So so sorry dear mom the doctors may say differently but heavenly father has a different and better way. Sending love and prayers to you from Uganda.

  5. I'm so sorry, Judy. That's completely devastating news. We are sending our love, but know there is nothing we can do to ease the pain and grief.

  6. Prayers for both healing and peacefulness renewed for you.
