Monday, September 17, 2018

Treatment 4

After a relaxing weekend in which I was even able to attend church yesterday, it was back to the infusion center today.  I was happy because they gave me a bed rather than a chair! I had my second infusion of bendamustine and my fourth infusion of rituximab.  They had to abort the rituximab after only 80 mg. (They had scheduled 100 mg.) I developed a fever and chills, so they stopped the infusion before it got worse. They were planning on giving me 700 mg tomorrow, but decided to just give me another 100. I'm both relieved and sad. Relieved to not have to get the larger dose and sad that my body does not tolerate a very important drug.

On a happy note, I had my first visit from Beijo, the therapy dog. He was a sweet Portuguese water dog! Black and white like Coda, but much less excitable!

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