Sunday, July 24, 2011

Ed's Work Party

We had a party last night for the people that work for Ed. Many of them have heard stories of our home remodel over the past year, so it was also a bit of a housewarming party--to celebrate the end of construction.

We cooked the meat (Kahlua pork, Kielbasa and chicken wings) and everyone else provided the fixins. We were a little heavy on desserts, but nobody complained about that!

It was a nice opportunity for me to put together some names and faces. Next time Ed tells me about someone, hopefully I'll know who he's talking about. They were bunch of very interesting and unique people. I wished I'd had more time to get to know them all!

Coda was a big hit at the party, doing her tricks without even the benefit of bacon bits! I think she likes to show off!

We received a few housewarming plants, one of which was too big to bring indoors. It is a crape myrtle, my favorite plant that I've discovered in Maryland. I can't wait to plant it! Here is Coda, on the front porch protecting it for us. 

By the way, today is the one year anniversary of the day Coda joined our lives. We love that dog!

1 comment:

  1. Those strawberries look delicious and as always Coda looks adorable. Those ears are so expressive.
