Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Lunch and a Movie with the Nuttalls

We enjoyed an in-law lunch today with the Nuttalls. We ate salads at Mad Greens beforehand. It was a much healthier choice than our usual movie popcorn!

Afterwards we went to the theater to see A United Kingdom, a movie about Botswana and the king of Botswana's choice to marry a white woman from England. We knew some of the story, as we had visited Botswana in 2008, but we learned much more of the history of Bechuanaland's road to independence today.

It was fun seeing it with Ellis and Marti who spent a year and a half in Cameroon as missionaries. They are very different countries, but both in Africa.

After watching the films I understand better why Mma Ramotswe (of the No. 1 Ladies' Detective books) had such a high respect for Seretse Khama!

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