Monday, May 6, 2019

New View

My new view of the world! Our room is on the backside of the hospital, with a nice view of the hillside. I can watch people on the patio, but don't think they can see me. I'm feeling somewhat better, but am getting a new PICC line on the other side today.I have blood clots in my right arm where the last one went in all the way up to my armpit.

Dr. Halwani was a harbinger of bad news today. He doesn't think the Campath is working. He'll try another Campath treatment today. If it doesn't show a response, my options are limited. He could do heavy dose old-fashioned chemo, which is not only painful, but he is doubtful it would work. If something works I can get a BMT, but if not he could refer me to palliative care. I was not ready for this news! This has been hard to hear!

WBC 275. Going the wrong way.


  1. Thanks for the update Judy. We love you. It's going to be ok!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The uncertainty of it all must be the hardest part, I'd think. It's scary to not know what's going on and what will happen. I'll continue to pray for you.
