Saturday, July 6, 2019

No Port For You!

I came home from the hospital on July 2, but was back for labs on the 3rd. My platelets have been too low to get a port this week despite the fact that I had three bags of platelets in the infusion center on Wednesday. I've been short of breath for sitting up, but can walk pretty well.

My WBC is close to normal.
We're waiting for the bad lymphocites to go away now. Things are going in the right direction, but sitting up to blog is still very taxing!


  1. You need a laptop holder you can use lying back - like this

  2. Sorry that posted quicker than I wanted - sorry for the long link on that. It's from Amazon. This is Kris McCurry by the way! Glad to know that things are moving in the right direction. You will stay in our good thoughts!
