Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Shave ad a Hair Cut

I have been to sick to blog since I got home from the hospital, but I'm doing better today. I finally lost my hair. Now I look like my brothers. It feels good to have the wind on your bald scalp. Who knew hair was so hot?

Brittany was my brave daughter who took the clippers to my head and relieved me of the burden of hair falling out all over the place!

Crystal drove out from Denver with Aunt Verlene on Friday. She has been an incredible support, encouraging me to drink water and thinking on things that might make me more comfortable.

Amanda and Nolan flew out from Iowa and brought new baby Milo for us to meet. He's a cutie!

It was also fun seeing how much Hugo has grown up and what a good ball thrower he is!

Inspired by Kaylene and Carrie's Sunshine box, the girls planned a sunshine party for Saturday night. Unfortunately, I spent the night in the emergency room with a blood clot in my left arm that is still pretty painful. I'm taking some blood thinners for it.

While at the emergency room I spiked a fever and they took a CBC. My white blood count had gone down 60,000 to 160k. We were shocked and didn't know what to make of that. Was this the miracle we were holding out for? Stay tuned...


  1. Amazing Judy! Keep up the rest and enjoy your family! We are all praying for you. And, btw, you have a nice head for baldness. Actually looks cute. :-)

  2. Judy, a girl I worked with had chemo, lost her hair and when it grew back it was naturally curly and remained that way. She was thrilled! Bald can be beautiful too! I am deliriously happy for you, my friend and the prognosis.Love you cuz, June

  3. So your hair is shorn! Just, think, no split ends. And who wants dry, brittle chemo hair when you can grow new luscious locks! Remember, beauty in any form is still beauty. “Hello, Beauty!” Hugs, June

  4. My dear Judy. Embrace the bald! Such a beautiful head!! Wow!!.....and hair just got in the way of your beautiful smile. Love you.
