Saturday, April 20, 2019

Early Easter

Brittany brought over homemade hot cross buns yesterday. Who knew they were  a traditional Easter bread? They were delicious, with raisins and cranberries!

We enjoyed spending the afternoon in the backyard. The kids are old enough to go down the slide alone, but still need help with the swing set!

The Easter bunny brought them a surprise in the "secret garden."

Mabel made a real mess with her cotton candy, but had a great time!

The girls did a little dancing to entertain us at dinner!

The Bishop dropped by to cheer us up, as he heard from a little birdie that  hospital stay was in my very near future.
We played hide-and-seek this morning while we waited for the hospital to call. I still feel great and am happy to have the energy to play with the grandkids right up to the moment of entering the hospital!

The kids have a tendency to hide in plain sight, which makes the game easy for all of us!

1 comment:

  1. Darling photos - soo grateful everyone could be together for an early Easter - much love and prayers always ♥
