Sunday, April 14, 2019

Saturday Concert and Outdoors

Ed and I went to the last kids' concert of the season on Saturday. Mabel got to explore a lot of instruments after the concert, including a bass clarinet! Just when you think you've seen everything!
We went to Noodles and Company for lunch and were excited to have nice enough weather to eat outside!

We followed that up with a three mile walk in Lambert Park. I was so happy to see the glacier lilies in bloom! We intend to suck all the beauty we can out of spring before I need to head to the hospital for my BMT!

1 comment:

  1. Bass clarinets are common to pretty much every orchestra. Fifty years ago you'd find several in every ensemble. It's still typical to have one or two, even at the middle school level. If you watch television or movies, you've probably heard it played extensively, too, as it's quite common in soundtracks. The instrument has a wider range than just about any woodwind instrument, and while expensive, still has the advantage of being much more reasonably priced than a bassoon, so it's actually quite common, it just seems to get left out when we're taught about instruments in grade school music classes....
